Event Date: Saturday, 2/6/2021, 9am to 1pm PST Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States was in the midst of an opioid crisis. The demand
NCI is offering two webinars for Spanish interpreters in November: The Interpreter in Civil Depositions and Legal Translation.These webinars have been approved for CEUs by California and ATA.NCI
Many news about the infamous California AB-5—the independent contractor redefinition bill—have been circulating across the board. The Translation and Interpreting industry has been deeply affected
The American Translators Association (ATA) Annual Conference will be held completely online. ATA’s 61st conference, originally to be held in Boston, MA on October 21-24
It was a shiny morning in Las Vegas! The virtual gathering was about to start and little by little colleagues and friends began to drop
It is with utmost grief that we announce the passing of NITA co-founder Álvaro Degives-Más. ADM, as we called him frequently, was pivotal in the