ATA’s 61st Annual Conference Goes Virtual
The American Translators Association (ATA) Annual Conference will be held completely online. ATA's 61st conference, originally to be held in Boston, MA on October 21-24 2020 in person and virtually, has shifted to a completely remote experience. This is due to the pandemic the entire world is going through, and ATA's Board members made the clever decision to move everything online.
The location has changed, but the experience has not. ATA61 will offer 120 live sessions, a job fair, an exhibit hall, and other opportunities to learn and network virtually. Registration opens in August; so make sure to visit the Conference's official website:
This time around, there's no excuse not to attend! If you have never been to an ATA annual conference, this is your chance to experience camaraderie, lots of learning and networking, and very good times! We hope to "see" some of our NITA members!